November, 2024

15Nov18:000:00GANS`L ESSEN mit JUNGWEINPRÄSENTATION des Jahrganges 202418:00 - 0:00

Event Details

Zu unserem jährlichen Martini – Gansl Essen dürfen wir euch natürlich recht herzlich begrüssen!

Anfragen und Buchungen unter: oder 0664/4369613


(Freitag) 18:00 - 0:00

Ipsmiller from Schrattenberg

The vinery Ipsmiller is already successful in the 8. generation to produce red and white wines. From generation to generation the knowledge and craftsmanship was transferd to produce healthy berries for full-bodied and harmonious wines. Even today our wines are manufactured according to the this quality recipe and handwriting.

Our privilege is to create wines with trinkflow, harmony and full bodied. The grapes must be cared over the whole growing period. For us is the grape healthy a must, only healthy and ripe grapes are the key for premium wine quality.


Hauptstraße 9, 2172 Schrattenberg
+43 (0) 2555 24 700
+43 (0) 2555 24 700 4
+43 (0) 676 74 87 566

Bank accout:

Raika Poysdorf Konto-Nr. 2.733, BLZ: 32663
IBAN: AT 62 3266 3000 0000 2733

the winery